Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Greasy Spoon

Ahmed found a new place for us to get take out from yesterday. He brought it home for lunch and I additionally had leftovers for dinner as well.
I can't remember the name of the place and it's in Arabic, so it wouldn't be much help anyways.
What he brought was two servings of rice (Egyptian rice, plain except for some oil - which I find they want to put on everything, and which I find generally disgusting), some roasted chicken, and then a small little cup of pickled cucumbers (for me) and salad (tomato and cucumber - for him).
The rice was eatable though I would have preferred it without the oil. I really don't understand the love affair here with greasing everything up, though it probably helps explain the rampant obesity I've seen.
The chicken however - sent directly from heaven!
As in...
There wasn't much spice on it, maybe some salt, pepper and something else I couldn't quite place, but it was so light instead of the normally heavily spiced foods, and even inside (since I wasn't eating the skin), the chicken was just succulent.
It was Oh So Good!
What I haven't gotten used to, however, when eating chicken here, is that at least from what I have observed (with hubby and family) they use their hands to pull the meat off the bone and eat it like that, instead of perhaps holding the chicken piece and eating off it with the mouth directly, or using a knife and fork.
The first time I ate it this way (pulling apart with fingers) was last week and I can't say I was all too happy about it.
I wasn't really all that more used to it yesterday and honestly it makes me feel like a caveman or something, which is really pretty strange.
However, this chicken yesterday was so good that by evening, when I was having cold leftovers, I really didn't care so much.
One side effect though, with eating meat this way, is that your fingers get very very very greasy! Which means, of course, that anything else you touch will get greasy as well.
I had started off yesterday eating the rice and then after a bit moved on to the chicken. When I wanted to go back to eating some rice, what I noticed was that my fingers were entirely greasy, meaning the spoon that I was eating the rice with got entirely greasy as well.
I really don't enjoy being dirty, but this chicken was definitely worth it.
I think we'll be ordering lunch from there again today, whenever hubby wakes up fromhis nap. It's almost 5 now and I'm thinking maybe I'll wake him, as it's getting a bit late and he still has to order the food.


Shari said...

Okay...I got hungry for chicken after reading your vivid description. LOL Your "Adventures in Egypt" postings would make a fun book to read. It's been 2 weeks today since you left. :( Miss you, kiddo. - Love, Mom

Zahra said...

As salamu alaikum Melissa! =)
I agree - your posts are so vivid and descriptive. I'm glad you found some good food to eat in Cairo.
take care and miss ya,