Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday part 3?

I can't remember if I made a part 2 or not. lol

Well, the exciting news for the day is that I believe we have a date set for the move! Hurrah!
This is just dependent on what is the best date for the ticket price, but it should be sometime around March 17th insha'Allah.
I am so happy and so excited and so scared. :D
Tomorrow I will write the letter for my landlord giving my 30 days notice and then on Tuesday I will let my boss know that March 13th will be my last day at work. Yippeeeeee!!!!!

In other news today, I showed my car to someone. They seem interested but want to have a friend look at it. I'm willing to sell them the car at a little bit lower price than I wanted for it, because I know them.
But, the car does need something fixed. I hope it's just spark plugs or something like that, nothing major. But I have to find someplace to take it to and that is always a pain. They want to charge you to look at your car, and then want to charge you to do all kinds of things to it.
And how do you know who to trust?
I am going to see if Jake's dad knows someone that he trusts. I'll try to figure that tomorrow.
Anyways, I loved the car and it's run really well since I bought it in 2001. And I would recommend a Hyundai to anyone. They are inexpensive and run wonderfully. I've had a few things I had to replace/fix, but it's at 105k miles now, and still running fine. Except for that thing that needs fixing. Which I don't know what it is. lol
I hope its next owner will like it as much as I did.

Oh, mom, I keep forgetting to ask, can you guys mail me my umbrella back? lol
I left it in your trunk when we came to visit in December and forgot to take it with me when we were at the airport on the way home. I wouldn't ask since I'm moving, but it's been raining alot and though I don't use it often, it would have come in handy a couple of times recently.
It's black with mickey mouse figures on it. :D


Shari said...

I hadn't read your Sunday posting yet and Dad said, "Do you have the umbrella?" "What umbrella?" I asked. "It's black with Mickey Mouse on it," he replied. "Whose umbrella?" I asked. LOL I just went out to the car to look in the "trunk" - no umbrella with or without Mickey. I asked Dad if he'd taken it out of the trunk and he said "Anything's possible." LOL You know Dad.

Melissa said...

Well, it was in the little net thingy so I don't know, maybe it fell out. In any case if you didn't find it easily, don't worry about it.