Monday, June 8, 2009


Another day of reading and hanging around.

I was treated to the sound of roadwork down on the street all day yesterday. It seems they were going to repave the road, but they had some kind of tractor that was going back and forth on the street doing I'm not sure what. I took some videos so I'll give the link to one of them.
Anyways, they finally started the actual laying of asphalt at 12:30. a.m.
Yes, why pave the road during the day, when you can make that much noise so late at night?
I heard the tractor again at 6:30 or so this morning. I was prepared to be fairly irritated after not having gotten to sleep til close to 3 a.m., however after a minute or two, either I fell back to sleep regardless, or it stopped. I can't remember which.
Anyways, there is new pavement on the street.
The family joked that they renewed it because I was here.
I think just because of all the renewing they did for Obama's visit. It was crazy the work they were doing when he would only be here for 8 hours. Not that the work didn't need to be done mind you.

Hubby's trip has been extended and he will now be home either Thursday or Friday insha'Allah. Thursday if he makes standby, and if not then he is definitely booked for Friday.
He only needed to stay one more day and could have come home Wednesday, but I guess all the flights were booked.

And he definitely wants to make the move to Kuwait. However it won't be until he can bring enough business to be profitable there. And he isn't sure how long it will take, his guess being between 1 to 3 months. Or maybe more.
During which time we will continue to live at my in-laws apartment.
With no a/c. And more mosquitoes than you can shake a stick at.
During the hottest and most humid months of the year.
Oh, you can bet your patootie I'm excited about that!!!

Pictures for today are the maashi that mom made the other day.
This first picture is of the veggies after she has hollowed them out. Mostly you see zucchini in this picture, though there is the one white eggplant, and the bell peppers are hiding somewhere, I guess underneath.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the finished maashi before mom started serving it. This was after everyone had eaten, what was left in the pot.
In the back you can see the white eggplant, and off to the right and left sides are the zucchini, in the bottom middle there are a few bell peppers.

Maashi is very tasty but it's pretty heavy, as is a lot of the food here.
The rice that the veggies are stuffed with has a variety of spices in it. It's not my favorite as there is some spice in there which is slightly off and not to my taste, but I don't know what it is.
I like the stuffed zucchinis the best, followed by the eggplant. The eggplant is a bit mushy and hmmm... I'm maybe not used to the taste of it. For some reason, when the bell peppers are cooked like this I don't like the taste of them at all, and just eat the rice from inside. Funnily enough, hubby does the same. lol

I think I will post the video of the street work tomorrow, since I don't have it uploaded to youtube yet.


Shari said...

I had eggplant once - had to eat it too, because we were guests at my Dad's employer's home. I've never had it since and when people ask me what foods I don't like, eggplant is always my response. Looks like our period of thunderstorms is gone and we're back to our normal "almost summer" weather - clear and sunny with temps in the 70's and 80's. We're expecting an area rug delivery by UPS today, so can't leave the house until then...although Dad will leave as he has a 9:00 a.m. meeting. I tracked the shipment and it left Reno at 6:28 a.m. which doesn't tell me a whole lot about when it will be delivered. LOL Glad to hear that Ahmed will be home later this week.
-- Love, Mom

Londi said...

Yikes! So sorry that you have to live at the inlaws. I would not like that at all. I need my own space and don't do well sharing someone else's. Glen and I are going to Minden for a visit next month, so we will be sharing their space for a few days, but that's different. I would not want to live with them for several months and I'm sure they wouldn't want me to!Good luck with that!

Melissa said...

Hey mom, did you get the carpet? How is it? Pictures please.

Londi, I am not thrilled about it, but I'm trying to get my head around the situation as best I can.
Not much I can do!!