Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hot hot hot

Moved back to the in-laws this morning instead of last night.
There is no a/c here.
It's hot.


Shari said...

HOT. Oh, no. I don't know about you, Melis, but I can get very bitchy if I'm too hot. LOL Like yesterday. Thank goodness it rained and has cooled down to the 60's. Love, Mom

Marcouiller Trimble said...

splurge and get a window or wall a/c unit for your room - you can take it with you. it will give you a retreat in the day and you will be able to sleep at night. just do it - don't suffer.

Melissa said...

They actually have a/c units in the walls here at the in-laws place, in all the rooms, but they are so old that I guess they don't work. And although I wish we could get an a/c unit while here, I don't feel like I can do that, since it isn't my home.
Maybe I can convince hubby to at least buy a fan for our room.

Shari said...

A fan would be good...and wouldn't it be great if mosquitos didn't like moving air! LOL Today is our last day in Portland - we may look for a movie theater over in Vancouver (just across the Columbia River and closer than anything in Portland). Talked to Al and Char Nelson yesterday, but no chance to get together as she has appointments today - probably for a heart problem that she's developed. Both she and Al sounded chipper. Love, Mom