Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Did someone say ice cream?

Well, I managed a miserable night last night.
Even with socks on I was getting mosquito bites.
I had one on my ankle, and I'm pretty sure that mosquito managed to get me right on the vein running over my ankle bone, cos it itched like crazy. Also got one on my toe, which managed to swell up, the poor thing. I think in total I got maybe 5 or 6 bites.

They did spray some bug spray around, which I was entirely un-thrilled about. If there is one thing that I don't like in the house, it is chemicals. However, this is not my house, and I can't dictate how this family will live.
I asked hubby why they use it if we still get bites, and he said that it would be even worse if we didn't use it.

So, yesterday was full of heat, humidity, and itching from bites.
I was kinda very unhappy.
Plus it seems that hubby's trip to Kuwait has gone from a possible 3 or 4 days to a possible 7 to 10 days.
Which I did not so nicely respond to.

Most of my evening was spent moping about, which didn't technically help me any, but....

After doing some more moping around in bed this morning after hubby left for work, I came out of the bedroom and found my spot on the couch.
My sister in law has been very sweet and I guess they can tell that I am not so happy about things at the moment. I've never been one to be able to hide my feelings very well.
She asked her brother (my bro in law) to bring home some chocolate ice cream with him today when he comes from work, so that was very thoughtful of her.
And she said that tomorrow she wants to take me out around this area and we can do some shopping and maybe go to a favorite cafe of hers.

So, feeling a little better today.
Still unhappy about no a/c and about being eaten alive by mosquites for the 2 plus weeks that we will be staying here, but I have had enough moping for now. lol

Hubby is going to try to bring over some old family pictures tonight that are at the other apartment. He tried to show me some of the pictures on cam when I was still living in the States, but it's hard to see pictures on a webcam. So I'm excited about that.

I also need to get to the dentist, as it seems I have a problem with one of my teeth, which seems to have a crack or something on the outside of it. Or rather, the crack is on the side of my tooth that is on the inside of my mouth. I hope it won't be a hard fix and I hate medicine, so I'm really not looking forward to it. I told hubby we needed to get it done before he went on his trip because I want him to go with me, and I don't think it should wait until he is back. So, not sure when we will go, but insha'Allah soon.

I smell dinner cooking and hubby just got home so that is it for today.
I'll try to take some pictures later tonight or tomorrow.


Shari said...

You know those little gadgets that you put water and batteries in - they have a fan and you can "spritz" yourself? Maybe you could find something like that there to help you keep cool. Dad and I went to the movie this afternoon; saw "The Soloist" with Robert Downey, Jr. and Jamie Foxx -very good movie. Love, Mom

Hoot Owl Hollow Nursery said...

Sorry about the tooth. I think I dislike dentists even more than I dislike mosquitos. Nothing personal about dentists, just some bad childhood memories.
I'm glad you're going to have a girls day out. Being a newlywed I think we sometimes forget how much we need our girlfriends. I'm going out for a day with my friend Lisa as soon as this cold goes away. We don't do it as often as we should, but always say at the end of the day how we should do it more often. We don't ever do much, just some shopping and lunch, but it is always a wonderful day. No husbands, no kids (she has 2 youngish ones), just us.

Melissa said...

Hey mom. Jake also suggested one of those water spritzer thingies. I guess he recently got one and is making good use of it. I think his last one had sprung a leak.
I'm looking forward to the movie, it looks good from the adverts.

As for teeth, I wish I wasn't having a problem, but I just try to put it in perspective and remind myself that in a few days after getting it fixed, I won't even be bothered about it insha'Allah.
And yeah, a girls day out sounds nice. I am around his sister at the apartment, but it's different to go out.
Too bad that Hatsie (spelling?) lives so far away. Do you get to see her as often since you moved?

Hoot Owl Hollow Nursery said...

It's been a long time since I saw Hatsie, but she's almost 10 hours away, so I guess that's not going to happen. Lisa is your age, but we're like sisters and so it's fun to spend time with her. Besides, she knows all of the best thrift stores in this part of the state where we can go looking for something we don't need.