That's what it says on the mattress tags right? lol
Well, hubby just got word that we will get the mattress and box spring on Tuesday insha'Allah. Not sure what time on Tuesday and I did want to air it out first so I don't know if we'll be sleeping there Tuesday night or not til Wednesday. Or... you know, later for some reason or other.
They installed the washing machine today.
Nothing else going on in terms of the apartment. At least that I know of.
Sat down to lunch yesterday and saw what looked to be a pineapple upside down cake, but which turned out to be rice with chunks of potato and pieces of tomato.
It was slightly yellow in color from some spice or other, and really looked so much like the cake.
However it did not taste like cake.
I think my MIL picked the tomatoes off the serving she had set on my plate because there weren't any when I sat down to the table.
Not quite sure why my MIL dishes everyone up. I mean, if they're at the table it's fine, but if you aren't at the table, then how can you decide how much you want? My plate is constantly overfilled by the time I sit down at the table, and I hate leaving any food on the plate because then it's wasted and it's not right to waste food. But sometimes I can't eat it all, and more often than not, I'm over full when I'm done. Which I don't approve of and don't like AT ALL. Food isn't about just stuffing yourself because it tastes good or it's on your plate.
Speaking of food, not sure how well I will do with Ramadan this year. I couldn't fast last year due to health reasons, and I should have an easier time of it here, as my schedule will allow more down time, but it's still hard. I mean if you are fasting the whole month, by the end of the month it is somewhat easier to get through the day, but you still are eager after all that time to get back to your regular schedule.
Insha'Allah I will be able to fast okay. You really feel like you are missing something when you can't fast.
Perhaps you'll be able to move in this week! Yay! Have you picked out kitchen cabinets yet? Do you have to buy pots and pans and dishes and silverware and EVERY-thing? Too bad the pots and pans you have in storage are so heavy - we could mail them to you.
well, the kitchen cabinets that i like, we are waiting a little bit to get and getting some temps ones that i agreed to only because they were temp. lol
they will be moving to hubby's office when we get the cabinets that i like.
and yes, we still need to buy EVERY-thing. not just for the kitchen, for the whole place. lol
dunno why he wants to wait for the last minute, everything takes forever here.
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