Sunday, December 6, 2009

In the middle

I've noticed that quite a few of the tubs/showers here have their incoming water spout/shower head in the middle of the side of the tub instead of at one end or the other.

This creates a little bit of an issue, as when you are standing in the middle of the tub, there isn't much room to move except from side to side, and that's not where the water is pointing to.

It means that taking a shower is always awkward.  Always.

Thankfully, at our new apartment the shower head is at the end of the tub.  Not that I've had a chance to actually use the shower yet.  lol

Another thing that causes me to ponder while in the shower is the water pressure.  Or lack thereof of a constant water pressure.  And along with that, lack of constant water temperature.

I don't know why the pressure isn't constant.  It seems to cycle up and down on a regular basis during the course of a shower.  When the pressure is at its height, the water is at the temp you like, when the pressure gets to its low spot, the water temperature cools down to a temp that is not exactly what you would like.

If you adjust the temp of the water to be what you like on the down pressure, it's too hot when it's at high pressure.

So... for our showering pleasure, we are trapped awkwardly in the middle of the tub, with varying water pressure and temperature.

Gotta love it.


It's interesting to note that we often don't think about things that we can't see.  Hubby opened the blinds in the bedroom yesterday upon waking, and I could immediately see all the dust in the rays of sun streaming in.

The dust is always there, and yet we don't think about it when we can't see it.

Does that mean I should keep the blinds closed all the time so I don't see the dust?  lol


No word on the Kuwait trip yet.

I thought I understood about being patient before I moved here, but it seems I was wrong.

I guess there is no way to know your limits until you really test them.  No matter how many times you think you can't take any more, you find a way when you need to.


It's downright chilly here.  And the days are so short.  We're almost at the middle point, the shortest day, and then we will work our way back to lighter days.

It's almost a shame.  I can't say I care for such long dark days, however I'm definitely liking this weather better than the heat of the summer, which lasts for about 8 months of the year here. 

Four months of nice temps is not enough. 

Is there someplace in the world that's at about a constant 76 degrees with low humidity?  If so, I'd like to move there please.


Shari said...

We have low humidity, but temps aren't a constant 76 - i.e., this morning it was 11! It's 1:30 p.m. now and the temp is around 40. I do get tired of the cold; that's why we head to Arizona or Southern Cal for a few weeks each winter. We may wake up to snow on the ground here tomorrow morning...again.

Melissa said...

Your humidity is actually a bit low. I liked it in Ptown.
And for sure your weather gets way too cold for me, even without the snow!!
Hard to decide if I had to pick too hot all year or too cold all year which one would I choose???
Egypt has a great amount of sun days though, which I'm really appreciating. The Bay Area got so grey during the Winter and Spring.

Shari said...

Personally, if I'm outside, I find it easier to get warm (proper clothes) in the winter than to cool off in the summer. Right now, it's snowing in the mountains and I just went out to the truck to look for Dad's cell phone (yeah, he misplaced it again - lol) and there were a few snow flurries. Brrrrr

Melissa said...

Well, pros and cons to each I guess.
I absolutely hate being cold. Right now, because there is no heat in this apartment, my nose is kind of constantly running. Which is annoying.
You do have a point about dressing to be warm, and living in Egypt and having to be fully dressed to leave the house and not having a/c you would think I'd appreciate the cold more.
I just want temperate. lol