Thursday, January 7, 2010

Strawberries you say?

Been busy around the house but nothing much new apartment wise.  Still trying to get a handle on the best way to clean with all of the dust.  We need some mats for the kitchen and bathroom.  That should hopefully help a bit with tracking since the floors are always dusty, whether I clean them or not.  lol


For the past couple of days we have been woken, and then I hear all day, the sound of some guys across the street who are demolishing part of a building with some kind of ... I dunno what, sledgehammer?  They stand on the top of the building and hit at the part below where they're standing.   Um.... hello? 

Anyways, not sure if they will take the whole building down or they are just taking the top floor off.  I have taken a picture each morning, and you can see where they worked at, so I'll see how it goes and what happens tomorrow morning.  If they keep working I'll try to get more pictures and then I can post the progress.


I took a whole slew of food pictures the last few days. 

My brother in law works for a company that exports and imports fruits and vegetables, and he gave us a bunch when we were over at the in-laws place on new years day.  We got 8 bell peppers, some mushrooms, and a bunch of strawberries.  So, I've been busy trying to use all that up.  And taking pictures of my efforts.

For now, here is what I did with the strawberries.  It's a quick bread.  The smell is still strong in the house and hubby is even now in the kitchen cutting himself the first slice.





Will post some more pictures in the coming days.


Still having foot problems.  Insha'Allah it will get better soon.  Still not positive what is wrong with it, but tried switching shoes last night so hopefully that will make a difference.  I try to stay off my foot but If I stay off my foot, that means I can't do anything around the apartment. 

1 comment:

Shari said...

Nothing inspires a cook as much as an appreciative "eater." The strawberry thingy looks delicious.