Here they are, a nice... black color. lol
Little too ripe for banana bread methinks!
It's been quite chilly here, though nothing compared to how cold it is in other parts of the world where it does awful things like snow!
Snow is wonderful to look at but it seems like such an inconvenience to live someplace where it snows. Not to mention very cold!
Thankfully we have the heater here in the bedroom so although the rest of the house gets a bit nippy, we really don't spend time except in the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.
Best news in a very long while, hubby hooked up the water heater in the kitchen today so now I have hot water to wash dishes with. Yahooooooo!!!!! :D
I don't think it's very common to have hot water in the kitchens here as the pipe systems are kind of... different. I think that usually the hot water heater, which is small and mounted to the wall, only heats the water in the room it's at.
The exception to this that I know of is the first apartment we lived in when I first moved here. The kitchen did get hot water. It was nice.
So, very happy with hot water in the kitchen. Makes doing dishes by hand in cold weather a whole lot easier.
We might have some very interesting news in a couple of weeks or so regarding hubby's work and some opportunities.
The only thing new about possible move to Kuwait is that if we do this, it would be more of a thing where we lived there for about a month at a time in a furnished apartment, going maybe 2 or 3 times a year.
That way, we don't have to keep an apartment up in each country, and we can still live in both. Trying to find an apartment here in Egypt is no easy task, and then fixing it up when you do find it is no piece of cake either, so it makes a lot of sense to just visit Kuwait for shorter periods of time instead of giving up our apartment here and moving there.
I'm actually excited about visiting Kuwait after all that I've heard and read about it. Hubby says that the next trip he takes he will bring me with him insha'Allah.
In the event that you ever moved from your apartment there, what do you do with all the cabinets, etc. that you put in? Do you take them with ytou, or leave them there for the next tenant, or hope you can sell them somehow? Seems like a very strange concept, all in all!
Generally when you move you take everything with you. Anything that you have installed, you take it.
That would include kitchen cabinets, air conditioners, water heaters, anything and everything that you put in. If we moved to Kuwait more full time, we'd have to put everything in storage somewhere. Or sell it, but I don't know which is better. Probably paying for some inexpensive storage would be the way to go.
And yes, it is a bit of a strange concept. lol
i think we are all very spoiled in the united states. in many many countries you have to buy "kitchens" and install them to places you buy and rent. i think it is only a "strange concept" to americans.
I really think kids should be given more chances to spend a year abroad during high school. I think it would help widen a lot of horizons that might not otherwise get widened.
totally. but all ages should try, if possible, to spend time in other countries and cultures.
Agree. There's actually a lot of ways to do it fairly cheaply if you're up for it, but it seems that once you get entrenched with a mortgage and other things, it's harder to manage.
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