Monday, March 7, 2011


My husband, from time to time, will tell me wonderful stories about things that happened when he was a child.

He was quite the mischievous little guy and the stories are often quite amusing.  I love watching him smile and laugh as he spins the stories out for me.

I wish that I could remember my early years so well.  At least I think I wish that.

When I try to remember my childhood, I can remember here and there an event, but it's never something funny or nice.  It's usually something quite the opposite. 

And also, it seems that many of my memories are really just pictures, I mean literally, I have seen the pictures from when I was younger and so though I don't remember the actual time or event, my memory is a picture of that time or event.

It's kind of strange.  Kind of sad.

I wish I had memories to look back on and laugh and smile about.

However, my memory for current happenings, including recent history, are usually quite excellent.  And not so much for hubby.  It seems our memories, in ability to recall them, are quite reversed.

I wonder how it would be to have your whole life available on DVD to watch as you wished.  Fast forward through the boring parts.  The sleeping and being in class, etc., but to really see and feel the things you have long forgotten.  What's the point of having memory if it doesn't work? 


I was browsing around online the other day and found a whole slew of people living in Cairo or other parts of Egypt who blog.  Expats that is, people who have moved here from other countries.

I read a handful to see what they were like.  Some were nice, some were boring.  But I wonder what it is, everyone's obsession with writing out the minutiae of their life?  Does this speak to a larger issue of disconnection?  Of needing to be heard or validated?  I don't know why I write, only that it's a need.  I'm just not sure what's pushing that need. 

I wish I had something more interesting to write about.  Or some great wisdoms to share.  Maybe thoughts about current politics and world events.  But honestly I'm just not that deep.  That's not to say I think I'm shallow, just... I guess my interests and emotions lay elsewhere, and for some reason they don't get shared here.  I'm sure I must have, buried inside somewhere, something great to share.  It's just... buried.

Okay, enough blathering on....
Today's log is shorter, as are the next (last) few after this.
And I wanted to point out, that although I mention a few times in this and other logs, that I wish things were getting back to normal, I don't mean that I wish things were exactly the same as before, president and all, I just mean that I wish things would settle down and we could get to living our lives without the constant interruption of the army and protesting and all the stuff that is going on. 

That doesn't mean I don't care for what's happening.  And I know it's an involved process and takes time.  I just want some normalcy.  I don't think that's too much to ask?


Wednesday, February 2nd

1:30 p.m. and I'm woken by a helicopter flying directly overhead and also by my husband calling to see if the internet is working.  Takes me a minute to get the computer up since I was sleeping, but yes, alhamdulillah, the internet is back.

Couple minutes later and now there are crowds down on the street chanting for the president.  Lots of car horns honking in time with the people chanting.  Not sure if they are walking down towards Tahrir or not.  This is the second bunch I've heard in the last few minutes.  Tempted to get the camera and go out but after just having woken and seen so many crowds pass by already previously, I just can't be bothered.

No idea what the news is yet but now that there's internet I need to check mail and news and lots of other things.

2:50 Well finally starting to get a look at the news in the media.  Seems there has been so much support for the people of Egypt from people all over the world.  I've just seen from CNN that there are injured protesters in Tahrir because the people now are divided about the president.  Maybe hubby is right and this will turn into a civil war.  I truly hope not.

I've just read where one of the pro presient protesters admitted that they were forced into doing it.  Which is what I was writing about earlier, that I figured they were paid or given some other incentive.  It seems forced is the answer, sadly.

Just seeing some pictures of the crowds of demonstraters in Tahrir square.  Wow!!!  Really amazing!

4:00 I have to say, being cut off from the media has had one good affect on me, which is that I didn't freak out like I might have if I'd seen all the videos and pictures on the news that I can see now.  It's pretty crazy out there and I really hope this can come to a peaceful end soon.

4:21 Helicopter going by periodically.  Still not sure what they are looking for, but maybe just keeping an eye on things and probably informing the army of what's happening from their vantage point in the sky.

6:00 Still trying to catch up on the news and what's happening currently.  Seems that the pro president protesters in Tahrir are at least partially made up of plain clothed police and seem to be targeting people from the media.  Shame on the government.  Shame on the president.  They say there will be change but it's lies as usual.  As much as I want things to be back to normal, I also support the people in their continued protesting to bring about much needed change.

6:45 and having trouble with the internet.  Not sure if it's gone down again or something else happening.

6:50 seems internet is okay and maybe there's just a lot of traffic or some slight hiccups getting everything going again.  I really hope it doesn't go down like it did before.  So hard to be cut off from everything.

7:30 and hubby has gone down to the cafe to watch news and talk with people.  Been relatively quiet so far this evening since dark.  Let's see what happens tonight.

8:10 Sounds like the first tank of the night is going by.

8:40 Can hear a chanting crowd somewhere down the street.  Went out onto the balcony but couldn't see anything.

9:10 First gun shots of the evening, not too close.

9:30 Still getting helicopters close by every half hour or so.

10:40 Tank time!

12:45 a.m. gun shots.

Over all it's been a kind of a loud night the last few hours.  Not sure if it's people arguing nearby or what but it always sounds like it's on the verge of breaking out into a fight.

The news isn't too good and it looks like the president is trying to fool everyone but still use the strong arm tactics he has always used.  I hope the people see through it.  I hope they can finally get him off his throne!

4:00 fairly uneventful evening in our area.  Gun shots now and then but nothing major.  Not too much tank traffic.  All in all kind of quiet.  Not sure about tomorrow!

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