Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fruit Loops and Captain Crunch

It's funny to me, well, maybe funny isn't the right word, but... weird, when I think back on the different foods I ate growing up and continuing until today.

As kids we like the sugary bright colored foods.  Even as adults I'd say most people like sugary bright foods.

But aside from being a bit picky as to artificial flavors and colors, I surely can't eat the same foods I did when I was younger.

The thought of a large piece of chocolate cake gives me the shivers, and not in a good way.  All that sugar and butter just makes me feel sick thinking about it, and I know if I ate it I wouldn't feel well.

I'm not sure if this is a case of having not eaten a lot of sugar for so long that my body just won't tolerate larger amounts, or just getting older or what.

But I often find myself fondly remembering eating things like cheese puffs or captain crunch with crunchberries or chocolate pop-tarts.  Many many things that I wouldn't even think about eating today.

Sometimes I get a bit sad , wishing I could eat with abandon the way I did when I was younger, but upon further contemplation, I realize I don't want to fill my body with all that junk.  It's not "real" food, it's chemically altered, manufactured, filled with artificial colors and flavors and stabilizers and stuff to make it last til dooms day.

So, now when hubby is eating something that I wouldn't touch, I find that a good sniff of it is enough (mostly) to fill any cravings, and I can be content with putting healthier foods into my body to keep it running.

If given the chance to go back in time for a day to eat whatever I wanted, to remember what all that junk tasted like and get a fill of it, I'd probably jump at the chance, given that there'd be no ill effects.  I don't think anyone is turning back my clock though.

Okay, enough about food, on to today's log.  This is the fourth I believe.


Tuesday, February 1st

12:30 p.m. and I'm woken by the sound of protesters outside.  My first thought is that it's going to be another day like last Friday.

I got out of bed, threw on some clothes, covered my hair and grabbed the camera on the way to the balcony.  By the time I got there, the chanting had either died out or gone by me completely, and all I could catch was the end of the group marching right up Faisel Street, right along with the cars.

I'm not sure how big the group is since I missed the beginning of it, but when I called hubby who is down at the cafe to ask him what was going on, he said that they were marching all the way to Tahrir square and they hoped to attract other protesters to march along with them.  So presumably the group, if it makes it that far, will be quite large.

My first hope is that everyone will be safe today and come to no harm.  The violence really wears at me.  No matter what it's for or the cause, it just really brings me down.  I know people want change and things aren't always fair in life, but I guess I'm just a big peace baby at heart.  lol

Anyways, there was some arguing down on the street after the protesters had gone by and I asked hubby what they were arguing about.  He said they were mad about the protesters going because it meant their houses (everyone's houses?) would be unprotected from the thugs.  This arguing was very loud and very animated and I wasn't so sure that it wouldn't break out in a fight, but it seemed to settle down after a few minutes.

I heard a helicopter going by shortly after the protesters went by, so I'm sure their progress is being followed.

God help the protesters and God help us all.

1:15 and I'm tired after too little sleep.  I need a nap already!

2:50 Word is that there is half a million people in Tahrir square!!!  Holy smokes can you even imagine that number of people in one place?  I can't.  And especially not in that area.  It is large but I don't see how it could hold that number of people.  It must be absolute chaos there.  I'm told that the number of protesters who were for the current president and against today's protesters and very small in number.  Which I think is good news and hopefully will help to prevent any major disaster.  I guess a decision is expected today on whether the president will stay or go.  If he stays, I'm not sure if the protesters will stop or what will happen.  I guess this will be a long few hours of waiting to find out what will happen.

5:00  Dishes and laundry are done and I've just finished book ten of the Sookie Stackhouse stories, so I'll need to find something new to occupy me as far as reading goes.  Feeling antsy and restless and there's not much to keep me occupied at the moment.  Thinking of family and friends back home.

5:30 We lay down to try to get some rest before the evening really starts up.  There is a helicopter making regular sweeps of the area.

7:00 Neither of us could find sleep so we just talked about what was happening.

It's pretty windy outside tonight and definitely chillier.  Not sure if that will affect the groups out in the streets or not.

7:30 Hubby heard that the group in Tahrir that was for the president had grown to 6,000 people, which still seems like nothing compared to the half a million who want the president gone.  However, it appears that with those 6k people, there are movie stars and journalists or other famous people, who are making a claim that the president is their father and how can the people act this way, etc., etc.

Now when I first heard that there were going to be people protesting against the protesters, who wanted to keep the current president, I found it really hard to believe, and my thought was that they were either relatives of the current government who had been rallied together, or just people who were getting paid to take a stand against the protesters.  When I heard that actors had gotten in on it, it made me feel even more sure that these were people who were getting paid money or some other form of incentive to try to dissuade the protesters.  Honestly it's just kind of sick.  The abuses that the government have heaped on the people, and for some famous folk to get up and try to use their status to get people to go back to being subservient sheep.  They should be ashamed of themselves.

8:30 helicopter passing close by.

It's actually been fairly quiet this evening so far, which is a good thing.  Not sure if it's the cool weather or something else keeping people inside.  Or maybe they're all down at Tahrir square.

9:00 helicopters going by every 15 minutes or so.

9:18 Just called hubby who's down at the cafe.  It was just announced that the president will give a speech, though it wasn't announced what time the speech would be, so everyone is waiting.  Someone else is speaking right now in a live interview but I can't remember who he said it was.  One of the ministers perhaps.

10:20 first tank i've heard tonight

Five days now with no internet.  Although we aren't getting news online, there is still news to be heard.  And hubby has noticed that the news agencies here are finally starting to turn around and actually report instead of just echoing what the government wants them to.  It would be nice if they continued  on the path of getting actual information out.

Watching the movie Troy.  Can't say the acting is great but the story seems appropriate.  People fighting for what they want and love.

11:10  Hubby called and it seems the president gave his speech.  He has conceded and will not run for re-election.  There is more to it but I didn't get the details.

Congratulations to Egypt and her people!  I'm sure there will be much celebrating, though there is much work to be done moving forward.

Supposedly the internet will be back tonight, but no idea if and when that will happen.

I can hear what sounds like a crowd outside somewhere chanting and some random single gunshots.  Celebrating?  :)

I did find out yesterday what the deal was with the police letting the prisoners out of jail.  I'll have to ask hubby because my mind has misplaced the details, but it was in relation to one man being mad at another for something.

I'm surprised there really isn't more celebrating outside.  I wonder what it will be like tomorrow.  And will the nights continue?  The thugs are still loose and the police never did show up in our neighborhood. So much remains to be seen.

12:00 Called the folks and were talking with them for a bit when hubby and I started to hear a crowd chanting and getting closer.  I was still on the phone with my parents and so I went out onto the balcony so they could hear.  I couldn't tell where the crowd was at first but they were coming from further down the street in our direction and they finally got to the spot where we could see them.  And then there was quite a bit of gun fire happening.  I think it made my parents a little nervous but I guess I'm used to it?  I mean not really, but my thought was, "dang, I can't record this with my camera while I'm on the phone".  lol?

Turns out that the people are not happy that Mubarak will stay until his term is over, they want him to leave NOW!  Can't blame them, because I can't see what would change if he stays til elections in September, but unless someone else steps up, what can happen?

1:30 and hubby has gone back down to the cafe to watch the news.  He's worried about what will happen to the people who aren't leaving Tahrir square.

Things sure are a mess at the moment.  I definitely think there should have been some better leadership or plan going into this "revolution", but there wasn't.

I can hear a crowd again outside as I'm writing this.  Who knows what they're doing.

Anyways, be careful what you wish for right?

2:20 gun shots and crowd in the distance.

2:45 gun shots.   went outside to see what all the commotion was about and there were overloaded minibuses (heading towards Tahrir square) full of people yelling and chanting.  was taking video and someone starting shooting.  a lot.  i kept the camera going but stood back against the wall behind me, so i was blocked from being in the line of fire by the side of the patio.
it seems that now the people are happy with the president's announcement and are chanting good things about the president?  i don't understand how can this be!  hubby thinks there could well be a civil war if people can't get their act together and their story straight.  and i don't think anyone wants a civil war.

Weirder and weirder i tell you.  Even hubby is concerned about going outside tomorrow.

3:15 and another small crowd chanting as they walk up the road towards Tahrir square.  This is how my day started at just past noon and I guess it's how my day will end.  I think this is the 4th group I've seen today going that direction up the road.  I think fourth but it could be more, I'm losing track.

3:50  Watched two movies tonight and can't settle on anything to read.  Tired from not enough sleep lately and a little too much nervous energy.  Time for bed I think.  I'll be happy if we're not woken by gun shots or any more crowds going by.

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