Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lesson number 2

Well, really, it was the first lesson.  Learned way before the apple cider lesson.

When you're washing dishes by hand, always remember to keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose!

I realize (at least I think) that most people breathe through their nose by default, but since my nose is quite frequently a bit stuffed up (or my sinuses or whatever), I am often breathing through my mouth.

That means that on occasion, when the soap gets out of control and makes a mad dash to escape the pit of dishes, it lands on or in my mouth or surrounding area.  Soap doesn't taste good, even if it is pineapple scented.

And as much as I know that I should keep my mouth closed, I often forget.  And then remind myself after I get soaped that I need to close it.

Anyways, that is today's lesson.  Who knows what excitement awaits in the next lesson!!


Getting ready for the trip.  Coming up very shortly.  I should be in the States in just a few days time insha'Allah.

I haven't started packing yet.  Not even sure what clothes I will bring.  Or other items.  Or if it will all fit in the luggage I planned on bringing.  I guess we'll find out tomorrow when I try to start some packing.

Good news is that we finally got my temporary resident visa (we started that process back in February!!!) and I am legally able to live here for 3 years until I have to renew the visa again.  Which is good because that means when I come back from my trip, I won't have to pay the 15 pound visa fee at the airport.  Not that 15 pounds is a huge deal.  lol

I've checked the weather where I'm headed and it looks to be just as hot as the weather here right now.  How that happened I don't know.  But, I am also aware that the house I'll be staying in does have the option of central a/c if we choose to use it.  Alhamdulillah.  :D

Finally, just today, starting to get "for real" excited about the trip and it's finally starting to feel real to me.
I don't know how that works and why it didn't feel real at first but I guess coming down to the last few days before leaving and finally starting to get things in order to leave has made it seem more real.

Wondering how I'll feel when I see my family at the airport.  I'm about 100% certain that I'll cry.  lol
Oh well.

Making sweets for the hubby tonight for while I'm gone.  Lemon bars and chocolate cookies.  I will pack them up and put them in the freezer and he can take them out day by day.  But they will also be all packed if he ends up making a trip to Kuwait while I'm gone, of which the chance right now is about 50/50.  He'll know in a few days about that.  He promises to be back before I come back from my trip if he goes.  And if he doesn't go and ends up going after Ramadan, he said he will try to take me with him.  :)


Judging by the pain in my calves the last 2 days, you'd think I had run a marathon.  Like the Boston marathon.  I'm not quite sure what happened but my calves are EXTREMELY sore.
We did go out the other day and a couple of the stores we went to did have like 5 levels of stairs to go up, but that is not so unusual and the in-laws have 4 flights to go up, so I didn't think it was that big of a deal.
But I can't figure out what else would have made them that sore.  We did walk around some as well but not that far.  But I haven't done anything else that would have made them sore.

I'm hoping that by the time I fly (and have to walk 5 million miles through airports) that they'll be feeling mostly if not all better and that it won't be an issue.

Okay, back to baking and getting ready and YAY I'M TAKING A TRIP!!!!  lol

Oh, sorry no uploads on pictures or videos.  Guessing  I won't get to it in the next couple of days but perhaps while I'm in the States.


oldie goldie said...

lol your lessons are interesting sis! :D

inshaAllah you'll have a safe trip!

Melissa said...

lol, thanks oldie goldie. At least I keep myself entertained. :D
Insha'Allah safe trip yes. :)